From the Archive

Letter from Vincent Meagher to Lux Meagher 1911

Handwritten letter by nine year old on plain unlined paper with a black border.

Letter to Lux Meagher from Vincent Meagher 1911 (page 1)

Handwritten letter by nine year old on plain unlined paper with a black border.

Letter to Lux Meagher from Vincent Meagher 1911 (page 2)


[NB Letters transcribed verbatim]

74 Manningtree Road Hawthorn


Dear Lux,

I hope you are getting on well in your work and will be soon getting more than the five shillings you said you were going to get. The concert not long ago for the rowing club was very nice. I have two very nice fan-tail pigeons and they laid an egg but they would not sit on it and let it go cold so we took it away from them one we call cresty because it has a crest the other undercrest because it has not a crest. Sometimes when Jack had nothing to do he used to climb over Mc Cullock and chase the ducks he thought that if he caught one he would be able to bring it home and put it in the back yard.  I spent my mid-winter holidays up at Cobram with the Cardens but I did not have a very good //

[page 2] time because the pony I had only went for me when I was bringing it to Cardens and another time when I went to a sale with Jack. I think I am going to get dux of my class at mid-winter by a good many marks.

I remain

Your loving brother
