From the Archive

Letter from Maureen & Cynthia Meagher to Jack Meagher 1952

Handwritten letter by ten year old on plain lined paper in grey lead, the top right hand corner has been chewed by vermin.

Letter to Jack Meagher from Maureen and Cynthia Meagher June 1952


[NB Letters transcribed verbatim]

200 Papier Terrace Unley Park Adelaide 

Dear Daddy

I hope you are well, we are having a lovely time. Today we might be going in to see the Gallery in town. Cynthia and I might be going to the zoo, whilst we are overe here. On Sunday we went for a chop-picnic, up the hills, and we took Sally Markiwell. She lives two doors away from Aunty Elsie’s house. Thank you for sending the Junior Age. We could work them all out. On the way home, we are sleeping in a Roomette. Aunty Elsie has some nice bags and gloves, and some Purses. She had a few umbrellas, this year and has only one left. Aunty Elsie has a nice sunroom. Sally Markiwell lent us four books and her basket-ball. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Lots of love from Maureen and Cynthia.

Dear Tez and Peanuts,

I hope you are getting on, we are having a lovely holiday. I hope you are being good, for Aunty Ellie. I will be leaving on Monday night, and will get there in the morning. We have a nice bedroom, and a very nice bed. Cynthia and I sleep in the same bed, and Mummy has a single bed. Love from Cynthia and Maureen xxxxxxxxxxx