From the Archive

Letter from Jane Meagher to Kim Meagher 1984

Handwritten letter by ten year old in biro on decorated letter paper with a coloured mouse in the margin. The letter has a tear down the centre of the page.

Letter from Jane Meagher dated 27 June 1984


[NB Letters transcribed verbatim]

583 Whitehorse Road Mitcham


To Kim

How are you going? I am going well. I bet your having fun at school because I am. I havn’t been doing much. I’ve been playing a bit of tennis. You should come around to stay soon. Was your dad sad about the hawks losing because my dad was. I’ve been having fun on saturday and sunday playing tennis with my teams we have been winnina a few. We played Holy Spirit in a game of netball and samantha was playing. It will be good when you play. Hows ballet going? Well I better be going by for now. Love from Jane Meagher

Ps Please write back.

You can colour the pictures in if you like and hang them on the wall like I did.